
Expo's brand maintains its spirit of utility by staying simple and easy to integrate into many contexts.


Download our logos for Expo, Expo CLI, Expo SDK, Expo Go, and Expo Snack in SVG and PNG formats.



A collection of packages use to share styles and icons across Expo websites, services and projects.

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Brand guidelines

The Expo logo and wordmark are registered trademarks of 650 Industries, Inc. These marks represent our brand identity and are protected intellectual property. They include the Expo name and logo, and any word, phrase, image, or other designation that identifies any Expo products. Do not modify the trademarks or use them in an altered way, including suggesting sponsorship or endorsement by Expo, or in a way that confuses Expo with another brand. In other words, the Expo name and logos represent only Expo and should not be used to represent you or your projects, products, or company.

You're encouraged to:

  • Use the permitted Expo name and logos less prominently than your own name and logo to describe that you are using an Expo product. For example: "This app is made using Expo and EAS".
  • Use a permitted Expo logo to inform others that your project integrates with Expo or EAS. For example: "AwesomeService now works with Expo Router".
  • Use the permitted Expo name and logos in a blog post, video, or news article about Expo.

Please don't:

  • Use the Expo name or any Expo logo in a way that suggests you are Expo, that your offering or project is by Expo, or that Expo is endorsing you or your offering or project.
  • Use Expo marks in the name of your business, product, service, application, domain name, publication, or other offering.
  • Use marks, logos, company names, slogans, domain names, or designs that are confusingly similar to any Expo marks.
  • Modify the permitted Expo logos, including changing the color, dimensions, or combining with other words or design elements.
  • Use Expo trademarks, logos, or artwork without Expo's prior written permission. Please note that a copyright license for software, even an open-source software license, does not provide a license to use a trademark related to the project.